I just want to scream, jump, yell, dance, and pat myself on my back!
I am finally done with the most challenging quarter of school I have had so far!
I passed all my finals with 89's and I passed my four classes with 92's and above.
There were times when I didn't think I was going to make it through, but I just kept pushing harder.
I pushed myself harder than I ever have before with school. I think Kris thought I was going to have a heart attack from all the stress, but I managed to get through it.
It nice to be able to just relax without thinking about needing to study or dreaming (yes, dreaming) about organs and scanning and all the pathologies... sheesh!
Tomorrow I am taking the day and having some ME time. Kris is gone for the weekend doing man stuff, so I get to enjoy a little of alone time. I also have a gift certificate for a massage that my friend got me for my birthday, I have been saving it because I knew it was going to be much needed after this quarter!